Fresh Food Box FAQ

How do I sign up for a Fresh Food Box?

Check our maps and our calendar to pick the site that is most convenient to you. Maybe one near your workplace, or near your home, or near your child’s school. Go to the distribution site on the scheduled day and time, sign up with the Fresh Food Box Site Manager, and pay for your box. Return to the distribution site the following week, on the scheduled day and time, to pick up your produce, and order your box for the following week.


Can I sign up the same day as pick up?

No. Fresh Food Box functions like a buying club. Produce is purchased for each distribution site using money collected from signups the previous week. We must make sure that our pre-paid customers get the produce they purchased. At the end of the distribution time, extra produce may be available for purchase.


Where can I find a Fresh Food Box?

www.bg视讯.org/foodbox has maps, calendars, and addresses for the current Fresh Food Box season.


Who can participate in a Fresh Food Box?

Everyone is welcome to sign up at our distribution sites.


How do I pay for Fresh Food Box?

We accept MasterCard, Visa, debit cards, cash, EBT, Health Bucks, and Fresh Connect Coupons.


How much is Fresh Food Box?

Fresh Food Box uses an equitable pricing system to ensure access to healthy, fresh fruits and vegetables grown primarily by regional farmers for all New Yorkers. for all New Yorkers. Customers can choose one of three prices for the same share of food: $14, $17, or $20. No matter which tier you choose, you will receive the exact same Fresh Food Box as every other customer: a carefully curated selection of the season’s best fruits and vegetables sourced primarily from regional farmers through bg视讯 Wholesale. 

At all sites, other groceries may be ordered for an additional cost. Eggs may be ordered for an additional $4.50 - $5.50 per dozen. Breads from Orwasher's Bakery may be purchased for $6.00 - $7.00. 


Can I sign up online?

We do not have online signup capability at this time.


Do you deliver?



I can’t pick up my bag! Can someone else pick up for me?

Yes! Tell a friend or family member to come to the site to pick up your produce. They will have to give your name. If you want them to sign you up for the following week, make sure they understand that they have to order and pay for you.


I forgot to pick up my bag. Can I pick it up next week instead?

We are not able to hold bags for pick up after distribution hours. It is, therefore, very important that you, or someone on your behalf, come and pick up your bag during distribution times. We cannot offer refunds or credit for unclaimed bags. If you know ahead of time that you will miss your pick-up, send an email to your site manager. 


What’s in a Fresh Food Box?

Each Fresh Food Box contains a carefully curated selection of the season’s best fruits and vegetables sourced primarily from regional farmers through bg视讯 Wholesale. We aim to include one fruit, one leafy green, an aromatic vegetable (like onions or garlic), a fresh herb, and a selection of seasonal vegetables. Occasionally, we include locally grown grains or legumes. The volume and number of items is dependent on the season and wholesale price of vegetables, but typically contain between six to ten different items. 


Does it really come in a box?

Sometimes! Fresh Food Box usually comes in a bag – but Fresh Food Box sounds better than Fresh Food Bag!


Does a customer get to choose what goes in their bag?

No. The site manager orders for the entire site the previous week. Bags all contain the same items. If there is something in the bag that you do not like or are allergic to, we recommend giving it to a friend, a family member, or a neighbor, or trade it with another Fresh Food Box member! Most boxes are diverse enough, and plentiful enough that even if there is one item you cannot eat, there are still many other items for the rest of the week.


Is Food Box 100% organic?

Fresh Food Box is not 100% organic. Some of our produce is sourced from certified organic farmers, and other items are sourced from small and mid-sized conventional farms.


Is Food Box 100% local?

From July through November, Fresh Food Box produce is grown exclusively on Northeast farms within about 350 miles of New York City. From December through June, Northeast produce is supplemented with produce from carefully vetted farms of the coastal Southeast (from Virginia to Florida).


Will there be recipes?

Our managers send out recipes in the weekly newsletter. 


What happens to produce that is not distributed?

Produce that is not picked up, or items we have an excess of, may be sold to other customers or donated.


When is Fresh Food Box?

Fresh Food Box runs both year-round and seasonal sites, Tuesdays through Saturdays. Please check the calendar for distribution times and days of specific sites.


Why don't you have sites on Staten Island?

Fresh Food Box works hand in hand with Greenmarket Co, bg视讯's wholesale food distribution hub. Our sites must be on their truck routes. Unfortunately, their routes do not currently include Staten Island.


What if my question isn't answered here?

Send an email to Fresh Food Box using our Contact page.